

Last weekend,all students in my class went to the park.It was sunny that day.The park was full of kinds of flowers.In the morning,some of my classmates sang,danced,and some played valleyball.Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree.After lunch,we went boating and climbing the hills.Although we were tired,we were happy.We enjoyed ourselves that day.In the late of afternoon,we retuned to school by bus.


This is my home.Go down this street and turn left at the first crossing.Walk on until you see a supermarcket on your right ,then turn right ,go straight and you will find the school in front of you.It is about twenty-five minutes' walk. You can't miss it.And you can also take NO.3 bus on the other side of this street,it will take you right there.


Spring festival Spring festival is coming春节到了. we are very happy我们都很高兴,because we can play a few fireworks因为我们可以放很多鞭炮. the parente will buy new clothes for us父母亲给我们买新衣服, and prapare many goods for Spring festival和准备了好多的年货. we visit grandparents and friends我们去拜访爷爷奶奶姥爷姥姥和朋友们 .we get some money,and we call it yasuiqian我们得到一些钱,我们叫它压岁钱. when we get the yasuiqian, we are vey happy当我们得到压岁钱的时候,我们很高兴.we like Spring festival very much我们很喜欢春节.


Understanding Understandingisabridgebetweenteachersandstudents.OnceIcopiedmydeskmate’spaperduringanexamandhandeditin.Thenextday,myteachertoldthewholeclassaboutit.Ilostface.Ihatedtheteacher. Dayslater,theteacherhadaheart-to-hearttalkwithme.HesaidhecouldunderstandthatIwouldliketobegood.Buttobegoodshoulddependonhardwork.Fromthenon,withhishelp,IbecamesointerestedinstudythatImadegreatprogress. Ithinkunderstandingisanimportantpartofourlife.Understandingcanmakeussuccessful.Knowingthat,Iunderstandmyteacherbetter.IfImakeeverythingsuccessfulinthefuture,myteacherwillbethefirstonewhoIshouldfirsttothank.


Myhouse Look!Thisismyhouse.It'sverybeautiful!Look!Thereisasofainthelivingroom.Thesofaisredandwhite.Ilikered.Andit'smyfavouritecolour.AndthereisabigTV.OntheTV,thereisaphoto.It'sourfamilyphoto.Look!Thisboy/girlisme.Inhouse,thereisakitchen,twobedrooms,aWCandlotsofthings. Doyoulikemyhouse? 我的房子 看!这是我的房子.它很漂亮!看!有一个沙发在起居室.这沙发是红色和白色的.我喜欢红色.而且它是我最喜欢的颜色.和有一个大电视.打开电视,有一张照片.这是我们的全家福照片.看!这个男孩/女孩是我.在房子里,有一个厨房,两间卧室,一个WC和许多其他事情.


MySummerVacationIn my vacation,I went to my aunt's house.I miss her really much and I was so excited to see her.I had a lot of fun with my aunt,she taught me how to cook.It was kind hot where my aunt lives,so I stayed at her house for the most of the time.I had so much fun,can't wait to visit her again!在我的假期里,我去了我姑姑家.我非常想念她而且我很兴奋可以见到她.和姑姑在一起很开心,她教我怎么煮东西.我姑姑住的地方有点热,所以我大部分时间都在她房子里.我很快乐,等不及下次的见面!




Igoestoschool,fromMondaytoFriday.Iwakesupat7:00inthemorning.Iwashmyhandsandface. At7:15,Ieatbreakfast.Afterbreakfast,Ibrushmyteethandcombmyhair. Thenmyputonemyclothesandgoestoschool.Iwarkhardatschool. SaturdayandSundayaredifferent.Idonotgotoschoolonthosedays




There are many after-school activities in my school. You can jump the rope, play with balls and play other games. Also, you can learn to draw pictures, try to write well or play on computers. We can learn a lot from these activities.