你好,我是【fihzh17235】,很高兴为你解答。我的家乡南京 我的家乡在六朝古都南京,一个有山有水的地方。那儿山清水秀,古巷老街所处可见。大街小巷里有许多艺人,更有无数美味佳肴。 南京的小笼包和鸭血粉丝汤是二大特色,还有一句俗语“轻轻移,慢慢提,前开窗,后喝汤”来讲述小笼包的吃法呢。 南京的民间艺人更是数不胜数。有糖稀画、捏面人、吹糖艺、做棉花糖的,还有冰糖葫芦,现在还有冰糖苹果和冰糖水果呢! 著名的夫子庙里有许多小吃店。里面有臭豆腐店,板栗店,还有卖状元豆、酒酿元宵的店。最受欢迎的是板鸭和盐水鸭,还有一种特别的“叫花子鸡”,是包了一层泥土的鸡,但很多人都排上好久的队去买。 最出名的是南京的老吆喝。从小我就是听着它长大的,有一句让我记得最牢“磨剪子嘞,锵菜刀”,往楼下一看,总能看见一位老爷爷肩上挎着一条长板凳,板凳上有一块磨刀石,方便随时为顾客磨刀。元宵节前后,又常会听见一句关于元宵的吆喝:“卖酒酿,桂花酒酿卖了。” 南京的民风民俗是如此的多,恐怕只有老一辈南京人才知道,但是如果介绍名胜古迹,谁都一定会知道。 玄武湖中有五个小岛:环洲、樱洲、翠洲、梁洲、菱洲。湖边有许多垂柳,曾有诗人写下这样一句话“无情最是台城柳,依旧烟笼十里堤”。 我的家乡在南京,拥有六朝古都的历史,有山有水的好地方!更多专业的科普知识,欢迎关注我。如果喜欢我的回答,也请给我赞或转发,你们的鼓励,是支持我写下去的动力,谢谢大家。
Nanjing is a beautiful and modern city with a long history.
1. 南京-合肥-黄山-九华山-池州-宣城-黄山-合肥-南京:这条路线主要是以黄山和九华山为主要景点,沿途经过合肥、池州等城市,可以欣赏到江南水乡的美景,同时也可以感受到北方山水的壮美。
2. 南京-徐州-连云港-青岛:这条路线主要是以青岛为主要目的地,沿途经过徐州等城市,可以欣赏到江苏北部的水乡风光,同时也可以感受到山东半岛的海洋风情。
3. 南京-徐州-淮安-盐城-连云港-青岛:这条路线主要是以青岛为主要目的地,沿途经过徐州、淮安、盐城等城市,可以欣赏到江苏中部和北部的水乡风光,同时也可以感受到山东半岛的海洋风情。
去河南郑州洛阳开封三个城市必去,嵩山少林寺,龙门白马寺,清明上河园龙亭等必去。这是发现中国最悠久历史和灿烂文化的地方。第一天南京出发走宁合高速-合徐高速-连霍高速-开封,(路上大概不到一天时间),如果到开封时间早,可以先玩玩,晚上住开封,第二天游玩开封,然后再上连霍高速或者走310国道到郑州,住郑州,第三天去黄河游览区,二七纪念塔,河南博物院,商城遗址公园等,然后走郑少高速或豫03线(省道)去登封,住登封,第四天去嵩山嵩阳书院,少林寺,中岳庙,三皇寨等,有时间最好去登山(尤其是三皇寨这段少室山,风景甚好),但是需要弃车而行;然后走207国道或者少洛高速去洛阳,晚上住洛阳,第五天游览白马寺,关林,龙门石窟,晚上宿洛阳或者走连霍高速回到郑州,第六天开车返宁。 option1,部分景点可以视时间和个人喜好而定,本人推荐的都是精华路线。有些全部游玩,时间恐不够。 option2,如果爱好登山且希望看到山上风景,建议在登封停留2天,第一天开车经登封市区-少林大道-嵩阳路-嵩阳书院,停车,然后开车到老母洞,登山,可以达到嵩山最高峰--峻极峰,下山返回登封市去休息;第二天去少林寺游玩,如果有精力,可以去登三皇寨。
Last winter holiday,I went to Harbin with my mother.
It's very cold in winter.There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world.You must wear warm clothes.The most exciting thing is playing with snow.Skating is also very interesting there.
I will' always remember Harbin,for the snow,the ice and all the beautiful things.I love Harbin.
has been to the sea side.well known,sea is very beautiful and it has a bit blue.the water is so clean .while it mis with sky,we could see such a scen like they a in the same line and i feel i am close to the nature and it is sholed to us its brane,vide heart.
we were sitting on the land to sea the fish swimming freedon.i was so happy to see then.i also want to be a fish,swim in the endless room,whatever i go,i can be happy
A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted.A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same.Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites,that will make great difference.
Travel can widen one’s knowledge.The farther you go,the more you will learn about different politics,economics,customs as well as geography.If you travel the whole world some day,you will fully understand the globe on which we live.
However,too much travel causes tiredness.You get on a bus or a taxi,you travel on the train or in a plane,being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another,that will make you exhausted after a while
A Spring Outing
Spring in March, accompanied by the comfortable weather and warm sunshine, our class had a spring outing on Saturday. We went to Renmin Park hold some activities and all of my classmates were so excited that they looked like the birds just coming out from birdcage. We playing games, boating, and fishing there. At the same time, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of spring. Some people in the park also joined us and had fun. We had a happy day and the relationship of classmates were getting closer.
A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist attractions. The guide provides commentary on the features and history of the location. The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many days. Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate authority.When I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider becoming an English tour guide some day. Yes, why not? Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the world.If I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life quality.
Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train. There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.
We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky, and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.
I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister. There we bought many interesting souvenirs, I was planing to send them to my friends.
We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn, and so on. They are very delicious.
Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel, and the price was not so expensive.
I like Qingdao very much, and if I got a chance, I hope to come here again, it is such a beautiful and interesting place.
开头 :五月,春在远去,默默地,带着一季的烂漫,唱着忧伤的歌……
结尾 :自然、人生,莫不如此。尘世间的春花秋月,千红万紫,轰轰烈烈的到来,洋洋洒洒的褪去,只觉得都是瞬间烟云,过往凌波,也或是匆匆过客……