

Japan is a very beautiful and modern country.

Its image is a small island country with popular natural site such as FUJI mountain and so on, fashionable persons and buildings,advanced science and technology as well as interesting animation and comic. People in japan just work very hard so that they make their country become one of the strongest developed countries which is poor in natural resource.And this spirit is that we need to learn most about this wonderful country .


Xi'an,the capital of Shannxi Province,is stuated in the fertile Wei


of the few Chinese cities where the ancient foetress walls can still be seen.Xi'an dates back more than 3,000 years and has impressive collection of archaeological relies to help explain its rich


known as Chang'an("ternal Peace"),the city of Xi'an had served as a capital under 13 dynasties.

Xi'an is vest known as within the local arts and crafts community for its thriving archaeological reproduction industry,which features painted Neolothic pottery; life-size Qin terra-cotta figures, glazed Tang funeral wares,and Tang tomb murals. A wide variety of folk crafts is also produced in the region,including needlework,ceramics,paper cuts,and rubbing(made from the impressions of stone carvings).

China had 231 emperors and one ruling empress, 79 of whom were buried in Shaanxi. One imperial mausoleum in Shaanxi,which apples to most of visitors,is the Oianling Tomb where Wu Zetian, China's only tuling empress, and her hubband Li Zhi, who has Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Emperor Qin shihuang's Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses acclaimed as the "Star Pool" in the Zhou Dynasty 2,800 years ago,the Neolithic Banpo Museum with a history of 6,000 years---an important excavated restored Neolothic Chinese village, the China's best-preserved City Wall built in the early Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), the Big Wild Goose Pagoda erected in 652, the Forest of Steles, the largest stone library in China and also called a treasure house of Chinese calligraphy with a superb collection by famous callgraphers form Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) to Qing Dynasty(1644-1911).

The Terra-Catta Warriors&Horses of the Qin Dynasty--秦兵马俑

Huaqing Hot Spring-华清池

First Emperor's Tomb of the Qin Dynasty-秦始皇陵

City Wall-西安城墙

Banpo Museum-半坡博物馆

Big Wild Goose Pagoda-大雁塔

Forst of Stelae-碑林

Great Mosque -清真寺

Famen Temple-法门寺

Maoling Mausoleum-茂陵

Yang Guifei(719-756)Tomb-杨贵妃墓

Black Dargon Temple -青龙寺

Temple of Prosperous Teaching-兴教寺

Three Days on Mount Huashan-华山3日游

Qianling Tomb-乾陵

Yellow Emperor's Tomb-黄帝陵

Yaowang Temple药王庙


(1)歌舞伎:A type of popular Japanese drama, evolved from the older No theater, in which elaborately costumed performers, nowadays men only, use stylized movements, dances, and songs in order to enact tragedies and comedies.


(2)茶道:The Japanese tea ceremony, an ancient ritual for the preparation, serving, and drinking of tea.


(3)富士山:Mt. Fuji lies west of Tokyo.Mt. Fuji, 3776 meters above sealevel.Visitors to Japan always admire Mt. Fuji.



Sushi is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice combined with other ingredients, seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits. Ingredients and forms of sushi presentation vary widely, but the ingredient which all sushi have in common is rice (also referred to as shari or sumeshi).




《去日本泡温泉》是 [日] 郡司勇所著一部旅游指南,北京联合出版公司出版发行。





Japan, is located on the eastern coast of the continent of Asia pacific. Japan including Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, 4 major islands and more than 6800 other small islands.

Japan since the nineteen sixties stage have been recognized the world No. second capitalist economy, implementation of constitutional monarchy, known as" sunrise country". Total population: 127767944 ( World tenth ).

Japan's land transport to rely mostly on subway, light rail, rail transit, the Shinkansen is a Japanese high speed passenger dedicated railway system, with " bullet train " is known, is the rail transport of modern logo.

Japan's school education is divided into preschool education, primary education, secondary education, higher education in four stages.

And we also know, cherry is the national flower of japan. When we arrived in Japan, he basically to bow to greet, showing respect.






















九、日本旅游 英文作文













My Trip to Japan

Japan is an incredible country that I had the privilege to visit recently. It is a land filled with profound history, rich culture, and breathtaking natural landscapes. Today, I would like to share my journey in Japan and also provide an English essay about traveling to Japan.

Day One: The Captivating Beauty of Tokyo

On the first day in Tokyo, I was captivated by the unique charm of this modern metropolis. I visited the Tokyo Tower, which offers panoramic city views. I also enjoyed the exquisite cherry blossoms in Ueno Park. The towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and constant flow of people in Tokyo filled me with excitement.

In the evening, I had the opportunity to taste authentic Japanese cuisine. The delicious sushi and ramen were both visually appealing and mouthwatering. I also had the chance to try on a kimono, the traditional Japanese garment. This experience allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and traditional values.

Day Two: Tranquility and Serenity in Fuchu

On the second day, I visited Fuchu City, a place filled with peace and tranquility. I explored the Fuchu Imperial Mausoleum, one of the most important royal tombs in Japanese history. I felt the profound respect of the Japanese people towards their cultural heritage.

Strolling through the imperial gardens in Fuchu, I quietly appreciated the beautiful flowers and elegant courtyard designs. The Japanese tea ceremony in the garden allowed me to experience the essence of Japanese tea culture. I also visited Tokyo Disneyland, where the joyful atmosphere made me forget all worries and fully immerse myself in the moment.

Day Three: Ancient Charm of Kyoto

On the third day, I traveled to Kyoto, a city full of ancient charm that left me enchanted. I visited Kiyomizu-dera Temple, one of the most important Buddhist temples in Japan. Standing on the mountaintop, I admired the magnificent view of Kyoto and experienced a sense of tranquility beyond the ordinary.

While wandering through the streets of Kyoto, I encountered many Japanese people dressed in traditional kimono, immersing me in the unique cultural atmosphere of the city. I also visited Kinkaku-ji Temple and Nijo Castle, ancient architectural marvels that showcased the essence of Japanese ancient architecture.

This is a blog post that discusses a traveler's journey to Japan. It starts by introducing the beauty of Tokyo, including attractions such as Tokyo Tower and Ueno Park. The next section highlights the peacefulness and serenity of Fuchu City, featuring the Fuchu Imperial Mausoleum and its beautiful gardens. The final part covers the ancient charm of Kyoto, with visits to Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Kinkaku-ji Temple, and Nijo Castle. The blog post also includes an English essay about traveling to Japan at the end.


泰州凤城河风景区,依傍凤城河,以水为脉,以人为魂,集中而又完整地体现全国不多见的一种都市水韵,彰显了泰州悠久的历史文脉。 Taizhou Fengcheng River Scenic Area, to fall back on Fengcheng River, with water as pulse, human soul, focused and completely reflect the country as a rare urban Aqua, highlights the long history of Taizhou context. 泰州是一座水的城市。水是泰州的特色和灵魂。哺育世世代代泰州人的凤城河,千亩水域绕城四周,是江苏省现存的为数不多的较完整的千年古城河。泛舟河上,您会充分领略到“州建南唐”的历史厚重。 凤城河畔,望海楼、桃园景区内30多个景点汇集了泰州历史、戏曲、民俗、商贾四大特色文化。景区内核心景观望海楼,始建于宋,明清重建,更领江淮雄风,国学大师文怀沙老人称其为“江淮第一楼”。楼西文会堂,史载初为北宋滕子京所建。列北宋时在泰为官,而后升迁至宰相的晏殊、范仲淹、富弼、韩琦、吕夷简五相史料,堂前植“五相树”;立中国雕塑院院长吴为山所作范仲淹青铜塑像,加之以景区内的已有千年之久的州城遗址和宋城古涵等景点,一切尽显泰州“州建南唐,文昌北宋,名城名宦交相重”的辉煌历史。望海楼隔河为桃园景区,取孔尚任寄寓泰州陈庵创作《桃花扇》之意,与泰州梅园戏剧、柳园评话相联,三园一线,形成“戏曲文化三家村”的独特人文旅游景观,徜徉其中,宛若行走于中国戏曲文化之长廊。景区内,凤凰姑娘、飞来钟、齑汤桥等一个个美丽的民间传说同样使人流连忘返。桃园东侧六百米长的麻石老街,青砖黛瓦,展现了明清至民国时期的泰州古街巷,皮包水、水包皮,戏院书场,泰州古城的草根文化在这里尽现。该景点已被定为国家AAAA级风景区。 Taizhou is a city on the water. Water is a feature of Taizhou and soul. Taizhou nurtured generations of people Fengcheng River, acres of waters around the city around, Jiangsu Province, one of the few extant of the ancient city of more complete river. Boating on the river, you will fully appreciate the "Southern Tang state building" in the history of heavy. Fengcheng River, sides, Taoyuan area in Taizhou, a collection of more than 30 attractions of history, drama, folklore, cultural characteristics of the four merchants. Wanghai scenic landscape within the core, was built in the Song, Ming and Qing reconstruction, more collar JAC glory, Great Masters Wen Huaisha elderly called "JAC first floor." Building Western Hall, contains the history of the early Northern Song Teng Jing built. Column when the Northern Song Dynasty official in Thailand, and then promoted to prime minister of Yan Shu, Fan Chung-yen, FU Bi, Han Qi, Lv Yijian five-phase historical data, break and plant the "five-phase tree"; Li Wu Chinese Academy of sculpture by Fan Chung-yen bronze statue of the mountain, combined with the existing within the area for thousands of years of ancient Han Song Dynasty chow sites and other attractions, all full of Taizhou, "state building Southern Tang, Wen Song, city Minghuan cross-heavy" the glorious history. Wanghailou river in Taoyuan area, take creative Kong Shangren ignited Taizhou Chen Temple, "Peach Blossom Fan," meaning, and Taizhou Plum theater, Liuyuan assessment, then linked to three parks line to form a "culture of opera Sam Ka 'unique cultural tourist attractions, wander, just like walking in the corridor Chinese opera culture. Area, the Phoenix girl, flying Bell, powdered soup bridges a beautiful folklore same people forget. Taoyuan east six hundred meters long, the granite streets, brick and black tiles, displaying the Ming and Qing to the Republic of Taizhou ancient streets, water bags, water foreskin, theater book market, Taizhou city's grass-roots culture here to do now. The sites have been designated as national AAAA level scenic spot.