英语翻译:(不要直译) 游览建议 1.建议旅游路线:百鸟园——过山车——极限之旅——水母馆——海洋馆——熊猫馆——蝴蝶馆——旋转木马——卡通互动剧场——蛙蛙跳——动物故事坊——威威天地游乐场——老大街 2.在海洋公园,如果要看海豚表演,至少提前一个小时入场,占一个靠后的遮阳位置;

English translation: (not literal) visit advice 1. Recommended travel route: BaiDiaoYuan - roller coaster - limit tour - jellyfish museum, aquarium, the panda enclosure, the butterfly pavilion, merry-go-round - interactive cartoon theater - frog leap - animal story fang, vivek world amusement park, 2. The old street in the Ocean Park, if you want to see a dolphin show, at least an hour early admission, accounting for a shade on the place;