常州都喜富都滨湖酒店位于素有常州西太湖美誉的滆湖畔,近省植物园动物园等,周边风景优美,出入便捷。酒店拥有多间设计别致的客房和套房,客房宽敞舒适,面积均在35平方米以上,装修风格现代优雅,宾客可凭窗眺望西太湖美景。 在常州闻名遐迩的天香楼中餐厅位于酒店的一楼,共设有9间豪华包厢,110个餐位。天香楼主厨俞云鸿先生专注于烹饪行业已有25年历史,擅长淮扬菜,川菜,养生菜肴等, 并善于将本地特色食材与创新烹饪方式相结合,为您呈现完美的味蕾享受。位于酒店一层大堂的咖啡苑可为宾客提供丰富的全天候单点菜单服务,精美的环球美食,穿庭而过的小溪,定能让您感受一份清新一份雅致。酒店二楼的无柱式大宴会厅面积达518平方米,可同时容纳300人用餐。另外还有四个大小不等设计别致的多功能厅,酒店经验丰富的专业宴会管理团队将为您关注每一个活动细节,以确保您的宴会活动圆满成功。The DusitD2 Fudu Binhu Hotel is located in Gehu Lake, near the botanical garden, zoo, the surrounding beautiful scenery, convenient travel.The hotel has a number of unique design of guest rooms and Suites, spacious and comfortable rooms, an area of more than 35 square meters, the modern elegance of the decoration, guests can view the beautiful scenery of West Taihu.In the restaurant in Changzhou wellknown, far and near the restaurant is located on the first floor, with a total of 9 luxury boxes, 110 seats. The restaurant chef Mr. Yu Yunhong focused on the culinary industry has 25 years of history, at Sichuan, Huaiyang, health food, and will be good at local ingredients and innovative cooking methods combined, for your present perfect enjoyment of taste.Located in the lobby of the hotel lobby of the coffee court can provide guests with a rich round the clock menu service, global food, stream,which will make you feel a fresh and elegant.Column free banquet hall area of 518 square meters of the two floor of the hotel, can accommodate 300 people dining. There are also four sizes, multifunction hall design chic hotel, experienced professional banquet management team will focus on the details of each activity for you to ensure that your banquet event is a success.